Bachelor of Law, Northeastern University, China
GPA: 3.8578 / 5.0000 (88.578 / 100.000),
CET-6: 610
IELTS: 7.0
GMAT: 750
I am Zhao Ruichen , a Law Student from Liaoning, China. I am a growing noooooob, temporarily.
Name: Zhao Ruichen
Birthday: 24 Feburary, 2000
Location: Shenyang, China
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics
GPA: 3.8578 / 5.0000 (88.578 / 100.000),
CET-6: 610
IELTS: 7.0
GMAT: 750
Description:Based on the results of previous judgment cases, we provide users with applicable laws, litigation result predictions and litigation suggestions.
Description: Analyze the information related to cases such as geographical distribution, offender's education level, and charges of domestic violence criminal cases in recent years are analyzed. Finally, the representative cases decided from 2016 to the present are selected to specifically analyze the characteristics of domestic violence criminal cases and seek possible countermeasures to solve them.
Participated in the investigation and visited typical litigants and conducted relevant questionnaires for inconvenient interviewees;
Description:Explore the reasons and circumstances of invalid standard clauses.
I enjoy working with him and learn so much. You guys make the process fun and interesting. Good luck!